Be Fearless

Be Fearless

We cannot fear our aspirations, dreams, goals or desires. To do so, is putting out the fire that burns inside of us, the urge to do and become exactly what and who we imagine….

There will be a bit of expected hesitation anytime we go for something that is unknown. It’s just like learning to ride a bike. We are excited to jump on and look forward to riding along with friends but we hate the process of falling and scraping our elbows and knees or even the unbalancing effect… Yet in the end, years later we’re cruising on the coast enjoying the breeze…..

So today and everyday I dare you to be fearless…Set YOUR soul on fire and go for it!

@TEAwithTEEWelch #TEAwithTEEWelch #TwTsays #MondayMotivation #WomenEmpowerment #KnowYourWorth #Determination #GOALdigger #Reflection #consistencyiskey #SuccessfulWomenHustle #EmPowerHer

Dear Iyanla & India…You’ve helped me Walk in my Purpose!

Dear Iyanla Vanzant and India Arie…. oh how your wisdom, words and walk in your purpose SAVED me so many times in MY life… India, your sweet melody and courageous lyrics, for many nights soothed me and gave me understanding. Iyanla, your writing of your sometimes painful experience but determination and triumphs, said to me… Tanesha you better get up RIGHT now and fight back!!!!

In Middle school and Highschool life was rough, although I was a genius at portraying otherwise. I was confused, suicidal, bullied, manipulated, used and even disrepected my own being in so many ways. I hid behind cheerleading and dance with girls who disengaged, spread rumors and truly were not my cheer-dance sisters, BUT I was determined to be in the “it” crowd. I later asked myself was it worth it? Dance was the ONLY thing I had, that would allow me to give myself a voice besides writing. So, I guess I would say it came with the territory.

Your writings Iyanla, allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel and attempt to pull myself through. I was introduced to the book “Don’t Give it Away” at a young girls program. The self-awareness and self-affirmations journal truly helped me see how I portrayed my image, what I thought about life and introduced me to meditation. I was so grateful for it although at times I was afraid to share my true thoughts.

I can remember walking around singing your “Video” song India at the top of my lungs…. “I’m not the average girl from your video, and I ain’t built like a supermodel, but I learned to love myself unconditionally, because I am a QUEEN. I’m not the average girl from your video, my worth is not determined by the price of my clothes, no matter what I’m wearing I will always be, India Arie”.

These two testimonials were like lifeboats, to my everyday drowning in sorrow. I did not live in a world of authenticity but you two women gave me peace of mind.

In college, I was deemed majorly depressed but refused to let THEM diagnose me. I would still “show up & show out” as the captain of the cheer squad and member of the dance team.  Your song India, “I am not my hair” helped me gain self-worth. I neglected the essence of my true worth and let THEM tell me I was worthless. THEY used me, and I began to hide the amazing spirit God blessed me with.

But then Iyanla, I was gifted with your books “Faith in the valley” and “Yesterday, I cried”. I realized that I had to begin to take ownership and take MY life back. It was then that I began to use my experiences in life as a way to reach other young women living and going through this toxic cycle of life. As a means to save their souls from the torture of self sabotage, I had to begin to tell MY truths. Sitting in group with some of those young ladies I would hold back tears because it was saddening what they were going through at only 11-15 years of age…it was all too familiar.

When going through a rough patch in my adult life, having the experience of being a “mother” snatched from my soul, laid off from making an amazing salary with an amazing position in Corporate America and questioned the mere existence of “God”, my best friend gifted me with your book Iyanla, “One day my soul just opened up”. I thought oh my you had did it again, you had become my LIFE vest at now 25 years old and I thank you.

I found myself depressed again two years ago. At a time when I was preparing to turn 30, engaged to marry the woman that had truly come into my life as a blessing and grow tremendously in the world of Entrepreneurship and expand my girls dance program. This time THEY had diagnosed me with alopecia, bursitis of the hip, two cyst in left ankle, Mood disorder, anxiety and scheduled to see the Psych.

As I left that appointment your song India “strength, courage and wisdom”, played. I then knew that God was speaking to me through you to say… this is just the beginning Tanesha, it is time for a CHANGE, it is time for a CHALLENGE and it is time for you to be COURAGEOUS!

I stand before the world today, as a professional woman still learning to deal with the snakes hissing from my past. Loving my ability to build up other women taking control of their lives and uplifting young girls whose story is merely just beginning. I then look to you two beautiful women, whose melanin exudes greatness, humility and wisdom for guidance.. Two women who never have and don’t plan on giving up their fight… It is as if you always have one MORE punch in you!

I am proud to say that TODAY and EVERYDAY, I am proud of the young girl  I was, and the woman I am and will become! I utilize and share all the spiritual strength and personal growth I received from your books Iyanla. I share it with my friends, family, clients, colleagues and even strangers…because everyone needs a daily dose of Hope and Faith. I know that your books “Trust” and “Forgiveness” are saving many more souls, TODAY!

India, when my wife gifted me tickets to see you in concent, it was truly a confirmation that my life is forever evolving. To sit and witness your greatness, minister through your song and be a part of your life journey was truly remarkable. You peeled away your headscarf to reveal the true essence of who YOU are rocking a completely shaved head and allowed a same sex couple to propose on your stage. I sat and admired how you proclaimed to us all in those moments, that we MUST do what makes US happy. Your song “Just Do You” from your album SongVersation, aligns with who I am today. It’s brilliant, I can now sing “I heard a voice that told me I’m essential, how all my fears are limitimg my potential, said it’s time to step into the light and use every bit of the power I have inside…Just do you somebody’s got to be a star, Just do you somebody’s got to raise the bar”.

You two have taught me that we have the power to make our OWN rules, set our OWN boundaries and ultimately can become who and what we DESIRE.
It truly speaks to my spirit. 

I have to remind myself, my friends, family, colleagues, clients, associates and everyone I am in contact with that we must WALK IN OUR PURPOSE!

Thank you for being YOU and telling YOUR story. I am still working on telling mine.

Be Empowered,
Tanesha “Mrs. TEE” Welch


Appreciate YOUR Struggle…

Appreciate YOUR Struggle…

I have known struggle my whole life and the word privilege was foreign to me. BUT I will not complain. I actually appreciate, respect and am grateful for it. Struggle has shaped me into the determined woman who stands before the world today!


When was the last time you looked into the mirror and told yourself that no matter the struggle you are beautiful? That you are proud of the woman who stands before you? How you are a CONQUER, a QUEEN and a MASTERPIECE? When was the last time you gave yourself a high-five for continuing to be GREAT in your own right? NO MATTER the struggle, sacrifice or disappointments.

When did you last stop the words “I can’t” from damaging your progress and use the words ” I can” to heal your pride? How often do you pick yourself up after being knocked down? When do you stand up and say that you APPRECIATE your life as it is, today? Understanding that in that moment, it is exactly as it should be.

Maybe you are the woman down and out trying to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck. Your appreciation comes from the knowing that an increase is on its way.  You are learning through the struggle, how to appreciate and account for every dollar. This lesson will set you up for a higher salary and this time you will know how to handle it.

Maybe you are the woman in a non-progressive, draining and hopeless relationship asking your higher power to remove you. Your appreciation is that doors are opening up for you to walk through… but do you have the courage to turn your back and say goodbye to the pain? You will learn to love yourself more than you have disowned your happiness. You will be taught what it truly means to have SELF-worth. Some of my best days came from merely walking away!

Maybe you are the woman battling with mood swings, anxiety or depression. Where you have more days of sadness and confusion than days of joy.  Your appreciation is that in between the moments of being down and out those few moments of happiness, smiles and laughter keeps you going. You are able to see yourself in a calming light and spread joy to those who have chosen not to give up on you when you are having “Just one of those days”.

Maybe you are the woman rushing to the time clock day in and day out, to a job unfitting to you and your family. Your appreciation is that your committment and work ethic is preparing you for a career move that will appreciate your hustle, innovation and see you as an asset. Go out and find it, apply for it, be patient and nail the interview. Take the FIRST step but do NOT settle for what seems to be the ONLY opportunity!

Maybe you are the mother sacrificing for your child to have a life better than yours, but have days where you don’t know how to keep yourself smiling. Your appreciation is that your smile exudes through your offspring each day. Take that feeling and find your happy place and when you do…. STAY THERE!

Maybe you are the woman struggling to be a student, employee all while potentially even being a mother. Your appreciation is that your ability to multi-task the most vital roles in life will reflect at the finish line! Your confidence, determination, hard work and sacrifice will pay off in more ways than one and you will be a role model for so many looking for encouragement.

Maybe you are the entrepreneur, opening businesses, closing businesses, creating new ideas, hustling to build your brand, trying to find your niche BUT struggling to stay abreast of the changes. Your appreciation is that you did it! You have not quit! You must STOP and remembers why you STARTED. Don’t just sell a product, sell your story! Get back to the WHY you absolutely had to open this business and allow that to drive your determination and path to success.

Whichever WOMAN you are, whatever YOUR struggle may be, I ask you to stand before that SAME mirror. Stare at the reflection of a woman who is getting herself in order! Smile, be proud, have hope, believe in faith and repeat this affirmation:









Be Empowered,

Tanesha “Mrs. TEE” Welch



Take Risk. Find YOUR Purpose. LIVE LIFE!

Take Risk. Find YOUR Purpose. LIVE LIFE!

There are times when we desire more out of life. Well, more often then not if your thoughts were like mine six months to a year ago! I wanted a CHANGE but was afraid to take the leap of FAITH, here is how it went….

A few years ago, I found myself being unsatisfied with what I was doing in life. Holding a management position, being paid decent salary, training and influencing staff and subcontractors, responsible for and trusted with a 12 million dollar budget, consulting for numerous organizations, associating myself with prestigious individuals in the Nonprofit and Criminal Justice field, all while being the CEO and Founder of my own Non-profit… I decided to let my job go.

Some may say what the heck? Well, just hear me out… The initial thought came about after being in the predicament of playing tug-a-war with “if or when” the contract would be renewed, time after time again for a three year span. One day my wife and I were sharing our thoughts and she asked “if you were laid off what would you do?” Without hesitation, I responded “I would continue to do my own work, do what I’m good at, be a consultant and a CEO”.
Although many viewed it as “living the good life”, I was no longer fulfilled and truly felt like although I was damn good at the results I produced, it felt like I was holding myself back and had settled.

My main purpose when graduating College was to help people in all aspects. I was destined to be a humanitarian, philanthropist and enthusiast. There was NOTHING I couldn’t accomplish, if I decided I truly wanted it. How many of US get excited about being that determined?

Not to say I was not changing lives at my previous job, it was just a feeling that grew inside that kept saying, “TEE, GET BACK TO YOUR PASSION, SERVE YOUR PURPOSE AND DO WHAT YOU DO BEST.” Not to mention my friends, co-workers and colleagues cheering that thought on.

With that said, I spoke to my wife and shared that I needed to resign. After creating a financial strategy I gave my job a three months resignation letter. Three months! Some are screaming, lol… YES, I needed to show the respect and appreciation of the growth, opportunity and skill set they had bestowed upon me. I wanted to truly help in finding and training someone capable of taking on the lead role. I RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE, WHO PLAY A SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN THEIR COMPANY. As my former VP would say “Leave GOOD Karma”.

Let me say this, it was a scary thing to resign, but I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do. BUT I HAD TO BE PREPARED. I wanted to get back to helping people on MY TERMS, MY WAY, WITH MY VISION AND CONCEPTS. I always had a genuine care and concern for people improving their quality of life and most importantly empowering them to live the life they desire and truly deserved.

In December of 2015, I said goodbye to the job I thought I would make a career for the next few years. However, stepping away as a whole new woman was truly exhilarating. I was ready to take all my experience as a manager, CEO of a Non-profit and consultant for so many companies who trusted my guidance and create a PLAN of ACTION. This was my time to TRULY put myself in an entirely DIFFERENT space.

I immediately was blessed with an offer to be an independent associate with an amazing woman, who has taught me so much in so little time. At a higher pay with less hours, making more than my former full-time job and gaining my own clients, I knew there was NO turning back. Allowing me to truly use the extra time to focus on creating MY brand. That blessing I owe to my consistent prayers to be still, be patient and see this through. FAITH plays a big role in this process.

It is NOT everyday someone is able to do what I did and be o.k. I THANK my wife so much for being my support system through it all. Most often times it is a risk and sacrifice many are NOT willing to take.

To those working, going to school, taking care of their children and elderly parents;all while working, grinding and hustling to get to their ultimate level of happiness and satisfaction…. I SALUTE YOU! Don’t worry, it will ALL be worth it!

One of my clients said to me recently “you are so real and raw and you just make all of this make sense. Thank you for helping me prove myself.” The truth is I simply aim to be TRANSPARENT in my journey to empowering women. I’m NO different than any woman I sit with or speak to over the phone. To often times we are fighting to prove ourselves, or forced to speak or be a certain way or live a certain way. I say BE YOU! It’s too difficult and too much work to mimic someone else!

It’s ONLY when we are transparent and our authentic self, that we are able to genuinely make a difference. That my dear is INVALUABLE.

LISTEN, it is not that you have to become an entrepreneur, consultant, go get a degree or try to figure life out on your own. You may want to simply advance in your career, take on a project, become more confident in your abilities or REDEFINE yourself! Whatever your journey is, know that it is yours and you have to OWN it and hold YOURSELF accountable for the RESULTS.

Don’t worry if you’ve had failed attempts, created this, opened and closed that, or that your friends and family think you are all over the place and have no sense of direction. STAY FOCUSED! The right thing at the right time, will STICK!

When what it is that you are supposed to be doing, the very thing that brings you not just financial stability but joy and happiness, the mere essence of feeling at peace… is when YOU will know you are serving your purpose and from there you TRULY BEGIN TO LIVE!


Be Empowered,
Mrs. Tanesha “Mrs.TEE” Welch

When your SOUL is tired…

When your SOUL is tired…


Here you are restless, AGAIN… tossing and turning at night thinking about all that has happened in the day and what “might” happen tomorrow. You find yourself labeling your sleep deprivation as insomnia. Diagnosing the mere existence of what could simply be you needing to take a BREAK, from all that has become toxic for your well-being. Day becomes night, you feel tired and sleepy, but your mind is still wandering. Your thoughts are weighing heavily, not allowing you to get comfortable enough to shut your eyes.

“Aggghhhhh”, you yell. Asking yourself , what the heck is the problem?


What is that you are doing or not doing that is keeping you up at night? What is that you are not satisfied with that does not allow you to smile? What can you change about your life, work or daily activities to get you to a feeling of satisfaction? Taking a moment to self-reflect is of great importance, in order to combat experiencing “burn out” or “depression” or “disappointment”. Taking time to relax, enjoy doing your favorite leisure activity,  completing your thoughts in a journal, exercising or simply sleeping can change the way you feel about your day, week or month…It can change how you feel about life.

When it is your soul that is tired you truly MUST make a change. Nothing will make you feel at your best, until you commit to a deeper and enriched cleansing of your soul. When was the last time you searched your soul, reconnected with your inner-being and truly evolved, feeling the ultimate level of serenity? When will your soul be at PEACE?

“Let Me Remember…   To have peace,  I must be PEACEFUL.
I can choose PEACE in all situations. Nothing in the world can disturb the PEACE I create within. I welcome others to join me in PEACE.” ~ From one of my favorite authors Iyanla Vanzant an excerpt from her book, “One day my soul just opened up”.

It is affirmations such as the one above that can release tension and confusion for us. Tonight, I encourage you to repeat this affirmation in the mirror before bed. Stand tall and proud and believe the words you are saying. Own the fact that your SOUL truly deserve PEACE… and then get some sleep with no worries, concerns or negative thoughts.

~Tanesha “Mrs. TEE” Welch

FOLLOW: @letusupliftyou on IG


Our past does NOT define us.

Our past does NOT define us.

Life has not always been easy, it STILL isn’t. It is the rough, difficult and sometimes chaotic experiences that we must use to UPROOT and become our BEST self! Nothing in life comes easy without having to do work, plant seeds and build a foundation.

Our past does not define us, but it may help in telling our story. You see, our story can be a beautiful thing, even if it was created from a not so promising past. The UGLY truth about who we are, what we had to do to get here and how we stay abreast, can be BEAUTIFUL for the right mind who grasp and takes heed.

Remember the times when we wanted to simply give up, but we didn’t? The days that DEFEAT had gotten the best of our AMBITION? The moments that seemed like we were just stuck and there were no answers? Never have most of us had anything handed to us. For those privileged to be given tools to succeed in this world, I ask….Did you use them to your advantage?

We work, we strive, we sweat, we overthink, we renege, we counsel, we are cheated, we are blessed, we praise, we win, we lose,  we pray, we cry,  BUT then… along the way we SUCCEED…. no matter the accomplishment small or large…we SUCCEED!

Our past hardships must be used as life lessons to go on. We are taught what NOT to do next time. We are taught how to rise again and be adamant about our results. We come back in full force much stronger, more wiser and less inferior than before.

It is our decision ultimately to use our past to either play VICTIM or go for VICTORY! No matter the person you were before, stare the person in the face that you want to be today, and say “I HAVE ARRIVED!”

Be Empowered,

Tanesha “Mrs.TEE” Welch

4 Words To My 17-Year Old Self

4 Words To My 17-Year Old Self

“Become An Entrepreneur Early!”
This is truly what I would have told myself back then, or wish someone would have told me. I’ve enjoyed life experiences and all I’ve been taught and learned through College, work and life obstacles, BUT this is the true essence of my existence.

Not solely would I have been an entrepreneur back then, but I would have been on the right path while working a side job or something. At 17, I was timid but at the same time a firecracker when it came to going after my goals. I still have those same traits as an adult but need them to be even more dominant, today.

At 30, I am blessed to know what to go after, now it’s just time to get there. As I embark on new journeys in 2016 and focused on Self-discovery and Empowerment in 2015, I can truly say I am well prepared to take on all task. I still have those days, where I question if I am holding myself back from being even greater? But what matters the most, is that I use my gift and passion of helping others get ahead and become empowered.

I have to reflect on what I am doing with my time, to see if I need to shift my focus and redirect my path. I encourage you to do the same.


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The Investment In Yourself

The Investment In Yourself

It is true, we all want others to believe in our vision, goals and to see our success as we see it.  But investing in ourselves is highly important and is truly the first step in giving someone else the momentum to do so. Face it there will be those that invest no questions asked because of their belief in you, those that desire to but can’t and then those that will try to after you make it big and they realize you were serious. Whatever the circumstance the starting point is you.

Whether It’s a product, a class, a seminar,  a workshop, etc. if it benefits our growth, then we should contemplate making the investment. Now this does not mean simply, go “burn money” on all the latest fashion attire, because you are an aspiring Personal stylist. No, of course not! This means creating a strategic plan on what makes sense, timing, cost allocation, budget,  profit and loss and ultimately the overall gain. For those that say enough with all the financial guru terms…. this simply means “brainstorming” on paper, if everything will make sense and be worth it.  

I do not hesitate (checking my budget first) to invest in tools that will get me to my ending results. The most important factor is that you have actually gained something out of the investment, and no we’re not only talking tangible. The key is to be able to answer the question: what did this investment fulfill?

If your ultimate level OF success was determined by the investments you made IN yourself, where would that leave you on the totem pole of success? Would you be standing near the others that are not even half way vested in themselves, but expect for everyone else to be because they have the “big bucks”?

I’m a firm believer that we should all be able to say, “I’m FULLY vested in ME!” The largest investment we can give ourselves aside from a monetary one, is FAITH! I simply do not believe in having someone invest in a person’s wellbeing or dreams, if they are simply selling themselves short. If this is the case, what could we possibly have to offer any one else?

SOME, may say they simply don’t have the means to make any type of investment, but what is making an investment truly defined as?   An investment in yourself could be as simple as buying a pair of “quality” workout shoes for your new fitness goals. Attending numerous funeral services and deciding to invest money into life insurance.  Attending a seminar that will enhance your skillset and knowledge base. Even saving a few more dollars each month to get a more reliable car in 6 months- to a year.

Yes, it is true that investments can be scary BUT well worth it. Always refer back to your budget and financial advisor before any investment. Pray over it (if that is your spiritual practice) and most of ALL make the best of it!

Don’t allow excuses keep you away from your happiness.

Here’s to investing in YOU!

~Tanesha Welch

Where is our WILLPOWER?

Where is our WILLPOWER?


At times it may take willpower, trial and error and other times we will simply wake up and say enough is enough!  The process and the timeframe to healing, is ultimately our decision. We can become creatures of habit, allowing life to get the best of us. We have to stand up to depression, bitterness, regrets, low self-esteem and all the other ugly demons, that we bottle up inside and allow to taint our souls.

Life is about taking risk. It is not in our best interest to be afraid to do so. Sometimes it is the decision between sanity and insanity, life and death, our gift and our curse. We must look into the mirror and tell ourselves, “I have not survived this pain to simply be knocked down once more!”

When will we be tired of the same old story, the same old lies, the same old disappointments,  the same old feelings of defeat? When will we be tired of being sick and tired? Day in and day out, we have the same complaints but do nothing about it. It’s sickening.

Willpower, is our ultimate shield of protection. Willpower, is the difference between living and simply existing. Willpower, is that nerve in our body that shouts “NOT TODAY”. Willpower,  is that misery we wipe away, when we refuse to shed another tear. Willpower, is the little voice that tells us we can, when others tell us we can’t…BUT we do! Willpower, is us FINALLY standing up for ourselves, taking and going after what ours and NOT feeling bad about it! Willpower, is the difference between the excuses we made yesterday and the actions we took today, for an amazing tomorrow.

Willpower, is when we can smile humibly and say I DID IT, in spite of! Do NOT be discouraged, we have to know that we are worth it!

@letusupliftyou By: Tanesha Welch

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